Compensation conditions for FedEx
In case of damage
Deadline for opening a complaint
Within 3 working days of delivery for domestic shipment or 14 calendar days for international shipment.
Documents to send
- Carrier tracking number of the damaged package.
- Claim form.
- Invoice for the goods made out in your name.
- FedEx questionnaire.
- Photos of the package as it was delivered, showing the damaged goods, the inside of the package, in particular the internal protections and the way in which the goods were wedged, the outer packaging, including a photo with the visible shipping label.
Mandatory reservations
The recipient or the receiver must open the package on arrival and issue immediate, significant and written reservations on the transport document at the time of delivery of the package.
Merchandise compensation amount
- By plane: 22 SDR/kg, within the limit of the invoice sent.
- By road: 8.33 SDR/kg, within the limit of the invoice sent.
SDRs (special drawing rights) are the global currency issued by the IMF, the rate of which may change. As an indication, 1 SDR = 1.26€ on 12/19/2024.
Case processing times
90 days upon receipt of documents.
In case of loss
Deadline for opening a complaint
Within 30 calendar days of collection of the package by the carrier.
Documents to send
- Claim form.
- Invoice for the goods made out in your name.
Merchandise compensation amount
- By plane: 22 SDR/kg, within the limit of the invoice sent.
- By road: 8.33 SDR/kg, within the limit of the invoice sent.
SDRs (special drawing rights) are the global currency issued by the IMF, the rate of which may change. As an indication, 1 SDR = 1.26€ on 12/19/2024.
Case processing times
90 days upon receipt of documents.
In case of late delivery
FedEx' offers are not considered as time-definite offers.