Offer Transport Goods and wrapping

Wrapping your shipping correctly

The packaging of your package must be perfectly adapted to withstand any shocks inherent in transport.

The mentions fragile or up / down are most of the time useless because the transport is mechanized.

It is recommended:

  • To use packaging adapted to the shape/dimensions of your goods. For example, a tube for your posters.
  • To use a new box without inscriptions in order to avoid any security problem concerning the contents of the package.
  • To use a suitable and solid cardboard packaging, in particular the thickness / the groove of the cardboard must be adapted to the weight of the goods. In the case of sending bottles, opt for specific packaging for sending bottles, approved by the carriers.
  • Wedge the product in the packaging and protect it well using cushioning materials (air cushions, bubble wrap, crumpled newspapers) and, if necessary, protect all the sharp edges / protruding from the goods.
  • To separate, if necessary, the elements of your goods so that they do not touch each other. This is all the more important if your goods are made up of fragile elements (bottles, ...).
  • To close the package securely with a wide H-shaped adhesive tape and to reinforce it as much as necessary.
  • Affix the shipping label on top of the package and ensure that the barcode is fully visible. Any previous shipping labels must be removed.

It is not recommended:

  • To let things protrude from the package (handles, flaps, strings, ...).
  • To place the goods unprotected in the box.
  • To affix the shipping label to a corner of the package (to avoid making the barcode unreadable).
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Wrapping your shipping correctly

The packaging of your package must be perfectly adapted to withstand any shocks inherent in transport.

The mentions fragile or up / down are most of the time useless because the transport is mechanized.

It is recommended:

  • To use packaging adapted to the shape/dimensions of your goods. For example, a tube for your posters.
  • To use a new box without inscriptions in order to avoid any security problem concerning the contents of the package.
  • To use a suitable and solid cardboard packaging, in particular the thickness / the groove of the cardboard must be adapted to the weight of the goods. In the case of sending bottles, opt for specific packaging for sending bottles, approved by the carriers.
  • Wedge the product in the packaging and protect it well using cushioning materials (air cushions, bubble wrap, crumpled newspapers) and, if necessary, protect all the sharp edges / protruding from the goods.
  • To separate, if necessary, the elements of your goods so that they do not touch each other. This is all the more important if your goods are made up of fragile elements (bottles, ...).
  • To close the package securely with a wide H-shaped adhesive tape and to reinforce it as much as necessary.
  • Affix the shipping label on top of the package and ensure that the barcode is fully visible. Any previous shipping labels must be removed.

It is not recommended:

  • To let things protrude from the package (handles, flaps, strings, ...).
  • To place the goods unprotected in the box.
  • To affix the shipping label to a corner of the package (to avoid making the barcode unreadable).
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