Offer Transport Goods and wrapping

Shipping perishables or fragile items

Perishable goods

Sending perishable goods is strictly prohibited on Boxtal.

The transport methods implemented by our partners do not comply with the mandatory health conditions for the shipment of these goods.

False declarations or approximate, missing or erroneous information will inevitably lead to the immediate interruption of the service by the carrier without reimbursement of the costs incurred.

Fragile Items

Sending fragile items is not recommended. If you are about to ship fragile goods, we recommend that you carefully follow our packing advice.

Your package must be able to fall several times without the risk of breaking.

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Shipping perishables or fragile items

Perishable goods

Sending perishable goods is strictly prohibited on Boxtal.

The transport methods implemented by our partners do not comply with the mandatory health conditions for the shipment of these goods.

False declarations or approximate, missing or erroneous information will inevitably lead to the immediate interruption of the service by the carrier without reimbursement of the costs incurred.

Fragile Items

Sending fragile items is not recommended. If you are about to ship fragile goods, we recommend that you carefully follow our packing advice.

Your package must be able to fall several times without the risk of breaking.

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