Offer Transport Delivery

Choosing delivery time

The delivery date is specified when you order and to your recipient in the tracking information.

However, it is not possible to know the precise time of delivery of the delivery person because it depends on the driver's tour, unless the transport offer includes a guarantee of delivery before a certain time (for example, "delivery before 1pm.").

We recommend that you always check, on the day of the scheduled delivery, that the latest status indicates a delivery in progress in order to avoid any unnecessary waiting.

Choosing delivery time

The delivery date is specified when you order and to your recipient in the tracking information.

However, it is not possible to know the precise time of delivery of the delivery person because it depends on the driver's tour, unless the transport offer includes a guarantee of delivery before a certain time (for example, "delivery before 1pm.").

We recommend that you always check, on the day of the scheduled delivery, that the latest status indicates a delivery in progress in order to avoid any unnecessary waiting.