Offer Transport International

Mandatory documents for an international shipment

The documents required for an international shipment may vary depending on the country of shipment/destination, the nature of the goods you are shipping, its value, ...

Chronopost provides a repository by country of the various documents to be attached when shipping internationally. We recommend that you consult it before any shipment.

You can also contact your chamber of commerce, which will be able to provide you with information and help you complete the customs documents.

Among the most common documents -apart from the shipping label-, we can find:

  • Commercial invoices (in the case of a commercial shipment).
  • Pro forma invoices (in the case of a non-commercial shipment).
  • CN22 or CN23.
  • Statement or certificate of origin.
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Mandatory documents for an international shipment

The documents required for an international shipment may vary depending on the country of shipment/destination, the nature of the goods you are shipping, its value, ...

Chronopost provides a repository by country of the various documents to be attached when shipping internationally. We recommend that you consult it before any shipment.

You can also contact your chamber of commerce, which will be able to provide you with information and help you complete the customs documents.

Among the most common documents -apart from the shipping label-, we can find:

  • Commercial invoices (in the case of a commercial shipment).
  • Pro forma invoices (in the case of a non-commercial shipment).
  • CN22 or CN23.
  • Statement or certificate of origin.
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